

Node Setup for the Organized

May 23, 2020 · 12:50 pm · Computer Science

Like python, NodeJS also suffers from specific version requirements. Unlike python, Node’s popular package managers don’t clutter the filesystem, so the tools to organize projects are a bit simpler. That’s because the dependencies for an arbitrary project are installed to node_modules, local to the root of the project.

Here is my setup (indentation represents nesting):

nodenv (children below are shims:)
	node (global version is 14.3.0 as of writing)
	npm (childen below are global binaries:)
		yarn (children below are global binaries:)

Since npm seems to have controversial lockfile behavior, I install global packages via yarn1.

nvm > nodenv 😤😤

Maybe, but nvm is really, really, slow. Sure, there are lazy-load implementations, but that doesn’t work if you need to use node without a shell, e.g. VSCode’s debugging feature.

Hey! yarn’s global bins aren’t shimmed!

True, but according to this issues thread, this shouldn’t really be a problem since the shebang #!/usr/bin/env node selects the global Node version when installing global yarn packages anyways.

  1. It might not matter though because lockfiles are for building packages, i.e. not for the end user? I’m not a javascript guru, so don’t quote me on this.😓

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